Parish Youth


Parish Youth Ministry:

When: 6.00pm, last Saturday of each month (February – November)
Our Youth Ministry at Our Lady of Lourdes Nollamara aspires to bring young people together in their faith. We celebrate Christ’s presence with us by preparing all parts of the mass for the community as singers and musicians, Proclaimers of the Word, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Altar servers. We also bring the bread and wine in the offertory, create PowerPoints for our hymns and provide technological support at mass. In all these things we hope to deepen and strengthen our relationship with God as young Christians in today’s world. In the years to come, we hope to see this youth ministry expand and grow, and be supportive to young people on their journey as Christians.
We would love to see you at our next Youth Mass!! If you want to be involved in this ministry, or know someone who is interested, please have a chat with our Parish Priest Fr Stan, or contact us through the Parish office. 12 - 35 year olds are very welcome.

God bless,

OLOL Youth Ministry


Altar Servers:

Training is available for children who received their First Communion and for older youth.


Book your tickets