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The Sunday Obligation
From Sunday, 4 September 2022, the Sunday obligation is reinstated.

To find out more click here: Pastoral Letter from The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth

To the Catholic People of the Archdiocese of Perth

Weekend Masses:

Saturday,18 March:  Vigil Mass at 6pm

Sunday, 19 March: Mass at 9am

Parish notice board

Pope Francis has called for a global day of Prayer and Fasting to mark the one-year anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel and in the face of the increasing conflict taking place in the Middle East.

He is asking all of us to take part in a day of Prayer and Fasting for peace in the world on Monday 7th October 2024: Our Lady of the Rosary


After School Religious Education Classes
are held on Fridays at 4.00pm

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Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

Thinking about joining the CATHOLIC CHURCH?
For further information, please contact:
NOLLAMARA: Parish Office 9345 5541
BALCATTA: Parish Office 9344 7066 

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Supporting our parish financially:

Parish Planned Giving Program
Direct Debit
or EFT
Please contact parish office for details
or please arrange to deliver your planned giving envelopes
Thank you for your ongoing support.



Blessed Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan
Founder of Salvatorians

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Safeguarding Induction Level 1

The Sunday Obligation
From Sunday, 4 September 2022, the Sunday obligation is reinstated.

To find out more click here to read: Pastoral Letter from The Most Rev Timothy Costelloe SDB Archbishop of Perth
To the Catholic People of the Archdiocese of Perth

‘Mass on Demand’ (Online) and ‘Mass for You at Home’ (Television)

Online: ‘Mass on Demand’, a daily service of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and CathNews can be accessed online at:

Mass at Home for those Without the Internet Access

Free-to-air Television: ‘Mass for You at Home’ is shown at 6.00am every Sunday morning on Channel 10

Today's Readings:

Prayer resources:

(including readings, and family prayer)

Important News:

Pope Francis gives Urbi et Orbi blessing 27/03/20 



Parish News

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Scam Warning – Scammer Impersonating Parish Priest

Please be aware of a scam targetting OLOL parishioners and other local parishes, the scammer is impersonating the parish priest. An example of this: “Hello Mary, This is Fr. Stan Bendkowski. I’m in a meeting right now, can’t talk on the phone but txt me back when you get this

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